Monday, March 5, 2007

The Owner of speaks out!

Here is post of the owner of the website that eRF takes much of his info from, to eRF on his Yahoo group.

Hail-Ho Elder Ravenfire.

Merry we meet.

My name is George Knowles I am the owner of this group (and yes, I am an
older pagan). This group is based on a foundation of respect and toleration
to others. We welcome debate, freedom of speech and the opinions of others
(when properly presented), and zealously protect our community from any
trivial and petty influences. I have to say Sir, after reading through your
post, you appear to be singularly lacking in any respect for the craft, it's
history or the people who laid it's foundations and continue to develop it's
growth. Indeed your post seems to be more confrontational and suspiciously
solicitating to seek anarchist to join your cause??? I have to ask you why
are you here??? You may call yourself an Elder, Sir, but you must know that
in this group we have more qualified Elders who warrant that title through
their years of dedication and craft experience, than you could ever have met
in your very short years. As for Fluffybunnies and Bunnyhunts, we do not
concern ourselves here with that sort of nonsense, and if you cannot rise
above such trivia, rather than fight it, then I am afraid you will continued
to be ridiculed. My suggestion to you is to go back to your books, learn a
little more, pay a little more attention to history and learn to appreciate
the craft and the people in it for what and who they are. Respect the craft
and the craft will respect you.

One more thing to add before I am done with you. When I looked through a
couple of the links you provided, I noticed on your site:
http://www.freewebs .com/thewitchess ummerland/ index.htm that you have placed
a link to my own website. One, you did not ask my permission to use it, and
two, I most definitely have no wish to be associated with you or your cause.
Please remove it.

Finally, I have placed your posts to this group on moderated status, this
means you can read responses to the group for the next day or so, but your
own posts will be vetted and only released to the group by me.

All for now, have a nice day.

Best Wishes.

Merry we part.

George Knowles (Man in Black).
E-mail - George@controversci
Website - http://www.controve

Friday, February 16, 2007

What is a Fluffy Bunny....eRF's Take

What is a "Fluffy Bunny" It's sad, but people like me. People who
won't take other people's crap. When we had people come on here and
try to raise a whole lot of hell, I didn't back down, and close the
group like they wanted. I was under a whole lot of fire from
some "Fundie" Or "Fake" Pagans. They tried to force me, and others to
believe, and act the way they did. MY cousin fell to their world, but
I did not. I stayed true to what I believed. A Fluffy Bunny, is a
Witch, or Druid, or any other Pagan who does not bend to the will of
others. I hate the term, but then, it is also a battle cry when we
fluffy bunnys are under fire. We also have some pretty cool big shots
who are fluffy bunnys. A lot of authors are Fluffy Bunnys. Silver
RavenWolf, Amber K, and some others are also Fluffy Bunnys. And a
Fundie, is well, someone who just won't stop being an asswhole to
you. Or someone who pretends to be someone, or something, they are
not, and uses you.

Interesting that fluffy bunnies are the "real" pagans, whereas the "fundie" Pagans are the ones who are not REAL Pagans.

The funny thing is, we're not actually talking about "fluff bunnies" anymore, but "Toxic Bunnies"....BIIIIG difference. Toxics give Paganism a bad name, fluff bunnies are just fun.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let's count the spelling and grammar mistakes!

Eight Sabbats, and they are called by thousands of names. And that’s no joke. I bet you will learn of even more names, then I have listed here. While doing more research before I started this lesson, I too learned a few more names of the Sabbats. We never stop learning. Even if we have been in the Craft for a hundred years, will always learn something new. Remember that. Don’t ever stop learning, and growing. It is when we stop learning, and growing, that we stop living.
Imbolc. The first Sabbat. Wrong. It’s not the first. Our year does not start one Jan. 1st. Our year, well it starts on Samhain. So let’s start from there. Samhain, or Day of the Dead, or All Saints day, or any one of the million names for it, is the day when the world of the Spirit realm, and the our world is thinnest (I think he meant "veil between the spirit realm and our world"). It is when the souls of the dead can easily walk, and communicate in the this world. It is a time of traveling for the Spirits. It is also a time when we honor the dead, and our loved ones. Most of us do this by setting an exrta place at the dinner table for loved ones who have past. Just one plate will do. If you wish, you can even set up a table just for them. Lighting a candle in your window, is also how most Witches celebrate Samhain. This allows the Spirits to find their way. Also, you may wish to go to the cemetery and honor the ones past. But be sure to leave an apple or two at the front gate. As a sign of respect.

Now let’s look at Yule Tide. This might have a million names too, but I just know the one. This is a time when the God is dieing, and is also getting ready to be reborn in the Spring. Some Witches will put up a Yule tree, and burn a Yule log. Or just burn a Log. Yule is not, and I repeat NOT christmas. Christmas is a christian holiday based on Yule. Witches do a number of things to honor this Sabbat. I just lit a candle, and meditate. I think of the Earth, and of the God, and for a fast Spring. Really, Yule as lost some meaning due to christmas. For me anyway. To learn more on Yule you might want to check out The Witches Bible, by Janet, and Stewart Farrar The Witches Bible has the eight Sabbats, and The Witches way. Two very good books.

The Sabbats are very important. I talk light of them, but they are. But in some situations it is hard to celebrate them. Like teens can’t always do a ritual. And other situations come up too. If you can’t do anything for a Sabbat, light a candle. Say a prayer to the Lord, and Lady. Or sit, and meditate for a bit. It is hard for a lot of Witches to make every Ritual. I miss a few due to some things. And life can nip ya in the but too. The Lord, and Lady understand. Like I said I missed Candlemas this year, it was not in my control. Blessings, Elder RavenFire

I'm curious, that since he is an Elder and all that, why he only knows one name for Yule. I mean, really--Winter Solstice, Yuletide, Jul, Midwinter, Alban Arthuan, and many other names, come up with just a Google search.

I also wonder if he has actually read "The Witches' Way" and "A Witches' Bible".

I find eRF has an issue with punctuation, using commas and periods in innapropriate places. On the other end, he doesn't use them when required. Makes one wonder if he at least uses Spellcheck.

I'm also curious as to why he feels he can teach if he cannot even write a paragraph without it being full of spelling and grammatical errors. In my belief, one who teaches should at least have a good grasp of their native language.

eRF's Thoughts on the "Witch Wars"

From eRF's message board, in response to a question about Witch Wars being mentioned on Spacey Blue's blog:

The Witch wars is a group of people who love to sekk out other Witches, and harrase them until all hell breaks loose. The people who are in the witch war group, are nothing but stupid wannabe Witches. People like daven, and wolfsinger, and lark, and many other members of this forum are a prat of the witch wars group. Me, and LIA are always on the hunt for these people. This place is being watched by the witch war group. But we have banned a lot of their members from here. There are still a few witch war people on here, but we will find out who they are. We've been hard at work keeping the real members of Aradiaic Legend safe.


I'm loving that "wannabe Witches" are the literate, well spoken Witches, and the "real" witches are the illiterate folks who make up words and history. amusement for a snowy, snowy night.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Verrrry Eeeeenteresting....

Very interesting. Upon examining eRF's "new" yahoo group "Meadow of Aradia", I find, in the links section, a folder for "Spike Q's Links". Now, as some of you know, Spike Q is the artist formerly known as Sapphoq (who seems to have very fickle tastes in online friends).

Anyhow, in these links is Spacey Blue's blog. Is Spike Q Spacey Blue? Methinks I figured that one out (though not as quickly as I should have).

Monday, February 5, 2007

I'm soooo honoured!

I feel honoured to have been added to Spacey-Blue's bully list. Check out his/her blog. It reminds me of the way Illyria, from Angel: The Series, spoke. If you don't know who that is, look here.

I'm not sure if he/she/it is illiterate, overly intelligent, or just trying to sound oh-so-cool on their blog by putting down humanity (which I assume they are a part of, unless we actually ARE part of the Buffy-verse).

*le sigh*

I'm not sure where eRF finds these folks, but I'd like to put the rock back over the hole they climbed out of!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More Elder Ravenfire's revisionist history (of himself)....

This was posted in eRF's one blog....

This is how my fanily Tradition sees an Elder.

One: You have to be 20, or older.

What "family Tradition"? I thought his family was Christian and all hated him?

Two: You must have the respect of the family Coven. (The family-not online)

Again, what "family coven"?

Three: You must know the Family Trad enough to teach it.

Everything eRF has "taught" is stolen from other websites and books. He has massacred Charles LeLand's "Aradia", and reveres Mama $ilver. How is this a "family Trad"?

Four: We see an Elder, and High Priest, and High Priestess as roles you choose to become. They are not titles to be given. The Lord, and Lady gives you these titles. If they are your calling, you will know.

So, is the rest of the "family Trad" illiterate? So much is grammatically wrong with this sentence, I don't even know where to begin.

Five: We respect other Trads, and their view of Elders, and HP, and HPS, and respect their ways, and ask they respect ours.

Huh? What????? You have GOT to be serious? This coming from someone who called Gardner and his lineaged covens "shit" and other lovely names? Puh-lease! *giant eyeroll*

This is how we see an Elder. Itis different then most, but it is how we see it. To each their own.

©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire

Links to this post

Monday, January 29, 2007

Off the topic of Pagan crazies....

What is UP with the new "style" of wearing capris with knee high boots? People look like they're dressed up as jockeys or something.

Aaaaaagh! All the women in the offices of the hospital that I work at wear this...I'm wearing an ugly uniform, and look better than they do!

Banny ban...

I've been banned from the Coven of the Moon Goddess....eRF's little "coven" on yahoo groups.

Here is the email:

The reason that you are being banned is because you right out
disrespted a member. And here is the message that made RavenFire and
I decide to ban you.

Re: My response to PM from ERF

He was not "nice enought" to PM Morgan. He knew the backlash he would
get if he did it publicly. What he said was rude and uncalled for. A
normal person would NOT respond as he did. He went through every step
of a mentally disturbed person I can think of:

1) guilt (trying to guilt her into thinking her actions were wrong)
2) blaming the other person ("you brought that on yourself")
3) sarcasm (the "daven" remark)

All of which were designed to make Morgan feel like the one who did
something wrong. The only time I've seen this is when I didn't take
my meds (and then drank alcohol), or my friend's brother who is
considered a "sociopath".

Helping eRF with his anger is obviously not helping. He needs
clinical help, and fast.

Lady Isis Aradia

Now, how is that disrespectful? I was simply stating facts. Oh, how silly!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weirdos, weirdos, everwhere!

I have been online since about 1994, interacting with Pagans, Witches, Heathens, and others of the same ilk.

I have seen more crazies than I care to. Teenagers claiming to be able to shoot fireballs, idiots claiming to be elders, and other craziness.

And people wonder why Pagans have such a bad name. Hmmmmmm....

Well, this is will be my blog about my forays with Pagan Crazies.
