Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weirdos, weirdos, everwhere!

I have been online since about 1994, interacting with Pagans, Witches, Heathens, and others of the same ilk.

I have seen more crazies than I care to. Teenagers claiming to be able to shoot fireballs, idiots claiming to be elders, and other craziness.

And people wonder why Pagans have such a bad name. Hmmmmmm....

Well, this is will be my blog about my forays with Pagan Crazies.



Scathach of Scythia said...

Shoot fireballs eh? *laughs* Other than D&D, I don't know where else you could shoot fireballs.

What certain people don't get, is you don't get to give yourself the title of Elder. I can see it being used in a tradition... but at such a young age... um, I'm gonna go with no.

Blackthorn.Huntress said...

Last summer, one of the Crone's that I respect, love, okay, and fear, (she has a BIG) stick, annoucned to our community that I was a Second Degree...I about messed my pants. Of course now, I have to live up to it, damn her....

I've been doing this "officially" for 17 years, and JUST now they think I'm ready, and this putz, whose been alive for less time then I've been on my path, thinks he is an Elder!?!?!?! WTF?

Anonymous said...

Oh yea.

And of course there's also the 10th generation Druid..or the person who believes that a female Druid is a Dryad.

And the person who believed they had an OBE and now their body was lost on the astral plane..but of course that didn't impair their typing. More's the pity.

Elder, schmelder. I know people who have been doing this for 30 years and more who would hit you over the head if you called them an Elder!

The Admiral