Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More Elder Ravenfire's revisionist history (of himself)....

This was posted in eRF's one blog....

This is how my fanily Tradition sees an Elder.

One: You have to be 20, or older.

What "family Tradition"? I thought his family was Christian and all hated him?

Two: You must have the respect of the family Coven. (The family-not online)

Again, what "family coven"?

Three: You must know the Family Trad enough to teach it.

Everything eRF has "taught" is stolen from other websites and books. He has massacred Charles LeLand's "Aradia", and reveres Mama $ilver. How is this a "family Trad"?

Four: We see an Elder, and High Priest, and High Priestess as roles you choose to become. They are not titles to be given. The Lord, and Lady gives you these titles. If they are your calling, you will know.

So, is the rest of the "family Trad" illiterate? So much is grammatically wrong with this sentence, I don't even know where to begin.

Five: We respect other Trads, and their view of Elders, and HP, and HPS, and respect their ways, and ask they respect ours.

Huh? What????? You have GOT to be serious? This coming from someone who called Gardner and his lineaged covens "shit" and other lovely names? Puh-lease! *giant eyeroll*

This is how we see an Elder. Itis different then most, but it is how we see it. To each their own.

©All rights reserved-2007- The words expressed here are the sole property of Elder RavenFire, and may not be copied, reused or reposted without the consent of Elder RavenFire

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Off the topic of Pagan crazies....

What is UP with the new "style" of wearing capris with knee high boots? People look like they're dressed up as jockeys or something.

Aaaaaagh! All the women in the offices of the hospital that I work at wear this...I'm wearing an ugly uniform, and look better than they do!

Banny ban...

I've been banned from the Coven of the Moon Goddess....eRF's little "coven" on yahoo groups.

Here is the email:

The reason that you are being banned is because you right out
disrespted a member. And here is the message that made RavenFire and
I decide to ban you.

Re: My response to PM from ERF

He was not "nice enought" to PM Morgan. He knew the backlash he would
get if he did it publicly. What he said was rude and uncalled for. A
normal person would NOT respond as he did. He went through every step
of a mentally disturbed person I can think of:

1) guilt (trying to guilt her into thinking her actions were wrong)
2) blaming the other person ("you brought that on yourself")
3) sarcasm (the "daven" remark)

All of which were designed to make Morgan feel like the one who did
something wrong. The only time I've seen this is when I didn't take
my meds (and then drank alcohol), or my friend's brother who is
considered a "sociopath".

Helping eRF with his anger is obviously not helping. He needs
clinical help, and fast.

Lady Isis Aradia

Now, how is that disrespectful? I was simply stating facts. Oh, how silly!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weirdos, weirdos, everwhere!

I have been online since about 1994, interacting with Pagans, Witches, Heathens, and others of the same ilk.

I have seen more crazies than I care to. Teenagers claiming to be able to shoot fireballs, idiots claiming to be elders, and other craziness.

And people wonder why Pagans have such a bad name. Hmmmmmm....

Well, this is will be my blog about my forays with Pagan Crazies.
