Thursday, February 8, 2007

Verrrry Eeeeenteresting....

Very interesting. Upon examining eRF's "new" yahoo group "Meadow of Aradia", I find, in the links section, a folder for "Spike Q's Links". Now, as some of you know, Spike Q is the artist formerly known as Sapphoq (who seems to have very fickle tastes in online friends).

Anyhow, in these links is Spacey Blue's blog. Is Spike Q Spacey Blue? Methinks I figured that one out (though not as quickly as I should have).


x said...

unsure if they are the same..if they are then spike has 2 identities on the meadow as spacey blue just joined as well. It certainly wouldn't surprise me though the writing style is somewhat ridiculous for spike/saphhog/whatever.

The Witch of the North said...

Yeah, I saw that. Perhaps that is a move to try to make us THINK they are different people. I'm pretty sure it's a sock puppet of SOMEONE though.

Admiral Byrd said...

Dueling sock puppets at 50 paces!

I'd give money to have the popcorn concession for that one.

The Admiral